Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Road Rage Story Day

Nurse's appointment today - to do the annual blood test, blood pressure and diabetes testing. Blood pressure's fine but they'll contact me if there's any problem with the rest. Always good to get that job over.

Completed my road rage short story and have called it "Speaking Her Mind" - now posted on Writewords (http://www.writewords.org.uk) with one positive comment already. Nice to have a boost so early on! After that, I watched a recorded episode of "Never Mind the Buzzcocks", and started on the beginning of a love story, also for Writers' News (http://www.writersnews.co.uk) - but I think it's too fluffy. I'll darken it up tomorrow, with a bit of luck. I'm making it gay, as that seems to be where I write best, and I always do that genre better if I write dark. I should have remembered!

Another afternoon nap, then tonight I'm out minuting the monthly meeting of Goldenford (http://www.goldenford.co.uk). Hope there aren't too many notes to take down! Antony Rowe (http://www.antonyrowe.co.uk) have received the CD of the "Pink Champagne and Apple Juice" cover, so I hope they can make something of it. Also hope that after tonight we can send the text to them, and start printing the book. Something to look forward to ...

Anne Brooke

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