Apologies for the bullet point format but I've spent some time writing the post and now Blogger has just lost it all, grr!!
Anyway, here are the key points:
1. I've planted 200 winter pansies this weekend, well gosh.
2. The Delaneys, My Parents and Me is now at 7000 words
3. If you scroll down to my previous blog entry, you can enter a competition to win a free ebook.
4. Yesterday's cake was Victoria Sponge - and very nice it is too!
5. I played my best game of golf all year, hurrah, and also got my flu jab.
6. I've been signed off on Carlos the Cyst.
7. Our paper-white winter narcissi are blooming well and the scent is lovely.
8. Oatibix Bitesize are coming back with no wheat in them, hurrah.
9. My review of Robin Black's short story collection can be found on Thursday's entry at Vulpes Libris Reviews.
10. We had 5 wasps in the bedroom this week, but K fought them off bravely.
11. I had a lovely review of Where You Hurt The Most at Rainbow Book Reviews
12. The cold has begun and I'm wearing my thermals - scary thought ...
13. Had a great time in London with Jane W having drinks and a curry
14. Church seemed to have the longest hymns in history - are they preparing us for Christmas?
Happy Sunday!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Howloween Blog Hop (Adult content)

So sorry I'm late with being part of this blog hop - entirely my own fault. I hope everyone has a very good All Saints' Eve and All Saints' Day (as we in the Anglican community actually prefer to call it!), and as a special treat, here's an extract from my gay werewolf story, Martin and The Wolf:
So Lucas and I were left alone.
I thought what would happen was that we’d chat for a while, politely and
about nothing in particular, and then he’d make his excuses and move on.
Leaving me to get another cocktail—non-alcoholic this time—and drive home at an
appropriate moment. On my own. To my empty house and my single lifestyle.
None of that happened.
Instead, Lucas reached out and gripped my arm. The heat of his fingers
seared through my thin cotton shirt and into my flesh. Or at least that was
what it felt like. It felt like being branded. I gasped and opened my mouth to
say something—though, God alone knows what—but didn’t get a chance. Because the
next second the man’s lips were crushing mine, and his tongue was ravishing my
mouth. He tasted of wine and spices. For another heartbeat, I simply stood
there, taking the sudden assault, then my body woke up. For real. I dropped my
drink on the grass. I didn’t intend to, but it slipped out of my grasp.
Luckily, it didn’t break. Then I wrapped my free arm around his shoulders—my
other arm was still imprisoned in his grip—and held on. I realized I was
moaning, but I couldn’t help it. It was just so damn good, and so unexpected.
He growled a response into my mouth, but I didn’t want to hear what he
had to say. I just wanted him to keep on kissing me. I didn’t need to worry.
His body pressed against mine, all muscle and purpose, and he walked me
backwards until we were deeper into the trees, away from the light. I came to
an abrupt halt against the rough stonework of a wall. It was then that he ended
the kiss.
I was panting, hardly able to catch my breath at all. My glasses were
half on, half off, and my lips felt bruised and swollen. God, but I missed his
His hand caught my chin, held it firm. He shook me, not so it hurt, but
as if wanting to make sure he had my complete attention. Which he did. No
question. Without a word, he removed my glasses, folded them up and dropped
them into the grass. I prayed they wouldn’t break either.
Then he spoke.
“I want to mate with you,” he said. “Are you willing?”
I almost laughed. Maybe I would have done, if my cock hadn’t been
straining against my briefs and my skin searing at his touch. For a second I
told myself he couldn’t be serious. Not here, so near the house, though we
were, I think, protected by the trees, and in Frank and Miranda’s garden to
boot. Then I understood how serious he was.
“Are you willing?” he said again, his tone low, urgent. “Tell me.”
Unable to find any words for this situation, I nodded and made a sound
of assent. Almost a whimper.
“Good,” he said, letting me go. “Then turn around and take your trousers
and pants off.”
I obeyed. It didn’t even cross my mind to do anything else. Almost
immediately, I heard the sound of a zipper and the hard slickness of his cock
against my arse. It felt delicious, but there was something we had to do first.
“Please,” I managed to whisper. “Condoms…”
If you leave a comment on this blog, then you're in with a chance of winning one free copy of any ebook from my backlist. And for other chances of winning, don't forget to visit the rest of the blog hop tour! Winners will be drawn on October 30th. Happy reading!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Betrayal of Birds and Hokey Pokey Cake
Book News
I'm very happy to say that my short Biblical fiction collection, The Betrayal of Birds, is now available at Amazon UK for 77p and Amazon US for $1.24. The blurb is:
In A Small Betrayal, Samson’s betrothed tells the story of her doomed wedding feast: when love is mixed with secrets and lies, the riddles which are born make all things bitter, and Samson’s new wife must face a terrible decision between saving her family and saving the man she loves …
In Little Bird, Zipporah’s marriage to the travelling herdsman Moses produces two fine sons, but nothing lasts forever. Soon, the call of Moses’ God and the ultimate sacrifice He demands from her husband unleashes reserves of strength and cunning Zipporah has never known. But is it enough to keep Moses at her side?
It briefly made No 12 in the Amazon UK Historical Fiction charts last week too, so that was nice.
Currently I'm working on a follow up to my spiritual novella, The Prayer Seeker, which I'm calling The Silence Seeker. No hint of a publisher for that first one yet so I'll probably self-publish it on Kindle later in the year or early next year.
We also had a good meeting of our Elstead Writers' Group yesterday (thanks for the inspiration, all!) and, having taken their advice to heart, I've made some changes to my literary short story Painting from Life, and hope to republish that over the next month or so. I'm working on a suitable cover right now.
Throwing caution to the winds (huzzah!), I've also joined in the November National Novel Writing Month project this year for the first ever time, so hope to go some way towards a new writing project next month. Though I doubt I'll get as far as the whole 50,000 words, it'll be a start. I hope.
Meanwhile, it's a very happy birthday to the Book Foxes who were 5 years old last week - and by clicking on the link you can find out what we all think about each other. Many congratulations to us all and it's great to be part of it!
Life News:
Carlos the Cyst (Gawd bless 'im) finally came off my collarbone on Wednesday, hurrah. Yes, it was horrid and no, I'm not going to talk about it really. So that was something - but sadly, his influence has spread rather further than they anticipated, and they planned another follow-up op on Friday last. When it came to it, they decided to let him calm down further, so my follow-up op is now scheduled for this coming Wednesday. I really hope that'll be the last of him - it'll be so great to have a scar rather than the beast himself weighing me down, hey ho.
Having had the 1st op on Wednesday and then getting rather shakily back to work on Thursday, I wasn't really in a fit state to cope with the fact that it appeared to be Make Personal Comments About Anne's Appearance Day, as well as Let's Be Snippety about Anne's Work Day, in the office. I laughed off the 1st (but still felt rather upset) and was snippety back to the 2nd - but I am much taken with a Facebook Friend who suggested I make next week Anne Slaps People At Work With Good Reason Week. I'm all for that one, to be sure!...
Turning to happier experiences, yesterday's cake was Coffee Hokey Pokey Cake, though I fear I didn't really understand how to make the walnut praline part of it. So I ended up with icing which has sweetened walnut pieces in it rather than actual praline, hey ho. However, it tastes good and I'm sure is much better for our teeth. So every cloud does indeed have a silver lining. Phew!
Anne Brooke
Biblical Fiction UK
Gay Reads UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy
Lori Olding - Children's Author
I'm very happy to say that my short Biblical fiction collection, The Betrayal of Birds, is now available at Amazon UK for 77p and Amazon US for $1.24. The blurb is:
In A Small Betrayal, Samson’s betrothed tells the story of her doomed wedding feast: when love is mixed with secrets and lies, the riddles which are born make all things bitter, and Samson’s new wife must face a terrible decision between saving her family and saving the man she loves …
In Little Bird, Zipporah’s marriage to the travelling herdsman Moses produces two fine sons, but nothing lasts forever. Soon, the call of Moses’ God and the ultimate sacrifice He demands from her husband unleashes reserves of strength and cunning Zipporah has never known. But is it enough to keep Moses at her side?
It briefly made No 12 in the Amazon UK Historical Fiction charts last week too, so that was nice.
Currently I'm working on a follow up to my spiritual novella, The Prayer Seeker, which I'm calling The Silence Seeker. No hint of a publisher for that first one yet so I'll probably self-publish it on Kindle later in the year or early next year.
We also had a good meeting of our Elstead Writers' Group yesterday (thanks for the inspiration, all!) and, having taken their advice to heart, I've made some changes to my literary short story Painting from Life, and hope to republish that over the next month or so. I'm working on a suitable cover right now.
Throwing caution to the winds (huzzah!), I've also joined in the November National Novel Writing Month project this year for the first ever time, so hope to go some way towards a new writing project next month. Though I doubt I'll get as far as the whole 50,000 words, it'll be a start. I hope.
Meanwhile, it's a very happy birthday to the Book Foxes who were 5 years old last week - and by clicking on the link you can find out what we all think about each other. Many congratulations to us all and it's great to be part of it!
Life News:
Carlos the Cyst (Gawd bless 'im) finally came off my collarbone on Wednesday, hurrah. Yes, it was horrid and no, I'm not going to talk about it really. So that was something - but sadly, his influence has spread rather further than they anticipated, and they planned another follow-up op on Friday last. When it came to it, they decided to let him calm down further, so my follow-up op is now scheduled for this coming Wednesday. I really hope that'll be the last of him - it'll be so great to have a scar rather than the beast himself weighing me down, hey ho.
Having had the 1st op on Wednesday and then getting rather shakily back to work on Thursday, I wasn't really in a fit state to cope with the fact that it appeared to be Make Personal Comments About Anne's Appearance Day, as well as Let's Be Snippety about Anne's Work Day, in the office. I laughed off the 1st (but still felt rather upset) and was snippety back to the 2nd - but I am much taken with a Facebook Friend who suggested I make next week Anne Slaps People At Work With Good Reason Week. I'm all for that one, to be sure!...
Turning to happier experiences, yesterday's cake was Coffee Hokey Pokey Cake, though I fear I didn't really understand how to make the walnut praline part of it. So I ended up with icing which has sweetened walnut pieces in it rather than actual praline, hey ho. However, it tastes good and I'm sure is much better for our teeth. So every cloud does indeed have a silver lining. Phew!
Anne Brooke
Biblical Fiction UK
Gay Reads UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy
Lori Olding - Children's Author
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Banana cake and prayer
Life News:
Tricky news on the medical front as Carlos the Cyst (AKA Barry the Boil) is back in force on my collarbone, darnit. So far it's not as painful as last year's episode, but a trip to no less than two doctors last week means that I'm going under the knife on Wednesday afternoon. Hurrah, can't wait - as I'm really fed up of carrying around my own personal necklace. As it were. Trust me, it's not a pretty sight and, no, there definitely won't be pictures. Not even of the post-op scars. Apart from those used for training purposes, hey ho. How I always enjoy startling the medical profession.
Turning to more pleasant subjects, this week's cake was St Lucia Banana Cake and I'm very happy with the way it turned out even though I really didn't have enough bananas, oh well. So it's probably more accurately called St Lucia Pineapple Cake, but hey I've got no complaints.
Other pleasant discoveries this week include my washing machine's handwash option which works magnificently and means I don't have to spend hours elbow-deep in suds sorting out my woolly hat, scarf and gloves, hurrah. I also had a very inspirational day at church yesterday looking at Centering Prayer and have learnt a lot which I hope to put into practice in the future. The joy of it was that it was broken down into a series of simple methods rather than having a huge change of lifestyle to take on board, so it might just be do-able. You never know.
Meanwhile, today, K has gained a whole tranche of Husband Points by getting rid of the absolutely enormous wasp which flew into my study. I tell you, it was at least eight feet long, with weapons, and I ran screaming from the room when it arrived with my habitual bravery. Mind you, I was impressed that K's method of dealing with it initially consisted of rushing in with the mallet from the garage. His plan, apparently, was to smash the window and let the wretched beast escape. However, we both came to the conclusion that this might be something of an over-reaction and the mallet remained unused. Phew.
Finally, call me old-fashioned and I do entirely accept that Sir Jimmy Savile might well have been a Very Bad Man AND that any victim of definite abuse needs support, but do not we as a society rely on something along the lines of "Innocent Until Proven Guilty"? Yes, I also accept nothing can ultimately be proven as the man is dead, but surely one should at least wait for a full report from the police?? I do find it rather shocking that people have dropped the word "allegations" and are now acting as if it's been proven beyond all doubt, but actually that can't ever happen. Sorry. And I have to admit that one of the allegations of yesterday when a young handicapped girl said that Savile had abused her by resting a hand on her shoulder, arm and leg "for too long" did make me laugh. Sorry, love, but that ain't abuse. If it were, then surely half the men in the UK would be up before the judge ... Please, people, keep it real ... There may yet be some unfortunate women in England who have been abused by someone other than Savile.
Book News:
This week, I've finally started on the final book in the Delaneys series, which is called The Delaneys, My Parents and Me, and am now about 2,000 words in. Well, gosh.
In the meantime, gay erotic short story Where You Hurt The Most gained a 5-star review at Goodreads, and lesbian erotic collection The Truth About Butterflies received a 4-star review at Amazon US. Thank you to both readers.
Anne Brooke
Gay Reads UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy
Biblical Fiction UK
Lori Olding Children's Writer
Tricky news on the medical front as Carlos the Cyst (AKA Barry the Boil) is back in force on my collarbone, darnit. So far it's not as painful as last year's episode, but a trip to no less than two doctors last week means that I'm going under the knife on Wednesday afternoon. Hurrah, can't wait - as I'm really fed up of carrying around my own personal necklace. As it were. Trust me, it's not a pretty sight and, no, there definitely won't be pictures. Not even of the post-op scars. Apart from those used for training purposes, hey ho. How I always enjoy startling the medical profession.
Turning to more pleasant subjects, this week's cake was St Lucia Banana Cake and I'm very happy with the way it turned out even though I really didn't have enough bananas, oh well. So it's probably more accurately called St Lucia Pineapple Cake, but hey I've got no complaints.
Other pleasant discoveries this week include my washing machine's handwash option which works magnificently and means I don't have to spend hours elbow-deep in suds sorting out my woolly hat, scarf and gloves, hurrah. I also had a very inspirational day at church yesterday looking at Centering Prayer and have learnt a lot which I hope to put into practice in the future. The joy of it was that it was broken down into a series of simple methods rather than having a huge change of lifestyle to take on board, so it might just be do-able. You never know.
Meanwhile, today, K has gained a whole tranche of Husband Points by getting rid of the absolutely enormous wasp which flew into my study. I tell you, it was at least eight feet long, with weapons, and I ran screaming from the room when it arrived with my habitual bravery. Mind you, I was impressed that K's method of dealing with it initially consisted of rushing in with the mallet from the garage. His plan, apparently, was to smash the window and let the wretched beast escape. However, we both came to the conclusion that this might be something of an over-reaction and the mallet remained unused. Phew.
Finally, call me old-fashioned and I do entirely accept that Sir Jimmy Savile might well have been a Very Bad Man AND that any victim of definite abuse needs support, but do not we as a society rely on something along the lines of "Innocent Until Proven Guilty"? Yes, I also accept nothing can ultimately be proven as the man is dead, but surely one should at least wait for a full report from the police?? I do find it rather shocking that people have dropped the word "allegations" and are now acting as if it's been proven beyond all doubt, but actually that can't ever happen. Sorry. And I have to admit that one of the allegations of yesterday when a young handicapped girl said that Savile had abused her by resting a hand on her shoulder, arm and leg "for too long" did make me laugh. Sorry, love, but that ain't abuse. If it were, then surely half the men in the UK would be up before the judge ... Please, people, keep it real ... There may yet be some unfortunate women in England who have been abused by someone other than Savile.
Book News:
This week, I've finally started on the final book in the Delaneys series, which is called The Delaneys, My Parents and Me, and am now about 2,000 words in. Well, gosh.
In the meantime, gay erotic short story Where You Hurt The Most gained a 5-star review at Goodreads, and lesbian erotic collection The Truth About Butterflies received a 4-star review at Amazon US. Thank you to both readers.
Anne Brooke
Gay Reads UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy
Biblical Fiction UK
Lori Olding Children's Writer
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Book News Update
I'm splitting the blog today, so book news is separate from family news, as that seems right. I'm conscious that I possibly need to update the book news, however, as I've been busy elsewhere for a while, and some offers are coming to their end, though others are starting.
Here then is a bullet point list of what's going or has gone on:
1. Musa Publishing is 1 year old and you can find prizes to be won for today only on my specific blog post.
2. There's a 4-heart review of Angels and Airheads at MM Good Book Reviews.
3. Riptide Publishing is also 1 year old, and is offering prizes in a wide variety of places. These include: an interview with me at Book Brats; and 50% discount on the Perfect Prose collection, which includes Where You Hurt The Most.
4. All my Riptide books have a 15% discount throughout October.
5. Where You Hurt The Most gained a 5-cup review at Books and a Short Latte Reviews.
6. There's a 25% discount at Amber Allure off gay comedy The Hit List during October.
7. The Gift of The Snow has a 40% discount at Untreed Reads throughout October. It gained a review at On Top Down Under Reviews and also at Long and Short Reviews recently.
8. Finally The Gifting is now included in the Book Club Reading Lists and, I hope, might gain some attention from that. You never know.
Many thanks for reading.
Anne Brooke
Gay Reads UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy
Here then is a bullet point list of what's going or has gone on:
1. Musa Publishing is 1 year old and you can find prizes to be won for today only on my specific blog post.
2. There's a 4-heart review of Angels and Airheads at MM Good Book Reviews.
3. Riptide Publishing is also 1 year old, and is offering prizes in a wide variety of places. These include: an interview with me at Book Brats; and 50% discount on the Perfect Prose collection, which includes Where You Hurt The Most.
4. All my Riptide books have a 15% discount throughout October.
5. Where You Hurt The Most gained a 5-cup review at Books and a Short Latte Reviews.
6. There's a 25% discount at Amber Allure off gay comedy The Hit List during October.
7. The Gift of The Snow has a 40% discount at Untreed Reads throughout October. It gained a review at On Top Down Under Reviews and also at Long and Short Reviews recently.
8. Finally The Gifting is now included in the Book Club Reading Lists and, I hope, might gain some attention from that. You never know.
Many thanks for reading.
Anne Brooke
Gay Reads UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy
Sad news
We've spent the last few days attending an unexpected family funeral in East Anglia, and trying to help out where possible. I'm not going to say very much, except that 58 years old is way way too young to go, and I'm going to miss B's gentleness and wonderful sense of irony.
It was however also nice to catch up with K's family, but I'm just sorry that the circumstances were what they were. I'm also glad that we managed to spend a day with B and his family only a month ago, when they were holidaying in the area - I didn't know it would be the last time. Of course you rarely do.
Enough said, really. So, RIP BWJ.
It was however also nice to catch up with K's family, but I'm just sorry that the circumstances were what they were. I'm also glad that we managed to spend a day with B and his family only a month ago, when they were holidaying in the area - I didn't know it would be the last time. Of course you rarely do.
Enough said, really. So, RIP BWJ.
Monday, October 01, 2012
Happy anniversary to Musa Publishing!
Many congratulations to Musa Publishing who are 1 year old today and are holding a special blog hop celebration - with prizes - from now until 7 October. Hurry on over there and leave a comment to enter the competition!
You can also leave a comment here to enter the main competition if you prefer. And as a special extra, any comment on this blog also means you are in a draw to win ONE FREE EBOOK from my backlist - winner will be announced on 8 October. Good luck!
As an added incentive, here is the blurb for my short story published by Musa, Angels and Airheads:
Happy blog visiting! You can find the rest of the Musa Anniversary blog hop posts here or in the link below.
Anne Brooke
You can also leave a comment here to enter the main competition if you prefer. And as a special extra, any comment on this blog also means you are in a draw to win ONE FREE EBOOK from my backlist - winner will be announced on 8 October. Good luck!
As an added incentive, here is the blurb for my short story published by Musa, Angels and Airheads:
Ricky has been secretly in love with his best friend Jez forever, but he's never dared confess his feelings because he thinks Jez is too high-class for him. One evening, while sharing a quiet evening with Jez, a mysterious angel, Madred, appears and tries to persuade Ricky to take a chance on love.
Too bad Ricky doesn't believe in angels. Madred is forced to take desperate measures in an attempt to show the reluctant Ricky the truth. When the angel leaves, can Ricky find the courage to declare himself to Jez, and what will happen to their friendship if he does?
Happy blog visiting! You can find the rest of the Musa Anniversary blog hop posts here or in the link below.
Anne Brooke
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