Friday, March 03, 2006

Dinner with Friends

A day at work - unusual for a Friday, but I had to minute the Childcare Working Group in the afternoon. Not my favourite subject (how I hate children!), but it was the last one, and not too long, thank goodness. It's now going to transmute into the Nursery Management Group (with much the same people) and I shall still be minuting that - so no peace for the wicked or the minute-takers indeed.

The morning was spent finishing off the Student Experience Group minutes and sending them out for checking. I am desperately trying to get ahead as my week's holiday is looming and I will come back to hell if I get behind on stuff.

This evening, I came home to the news that the editor of Alma Books has decided against "A Dangerous Man", damning it to oblivion with the faint praise of "nicely written, but not gripping, m'dear". Goodness, that hurts. A simple "no" would have sufficed - what is it about these chaps? And a book that's won a national competition and is currently under serious consideration by another small (but not yet small-minded ...) publisher doesn't, to my mind, deserve such comments. Even though I say it myself.

Tonight we're out at some friends of ours for dinner. Would dearly love to drown my sorrows, but unfortunately I'm driving. Curses again.

Anne Brooke

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