Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thursday 2 February 2006

I'm restarting my journal here, as the previous one I've had since January seems to have escaped into the ether - hope this one works a little longer!

It's been a day off work attempting to get to grips with the beginning of my sixth novel, "The Gifting" - which is turning out to be a fantasy tale about a mind-reader, Simon, who is threatened by death and is forced to start a journey into the unknown in order to save his life. And I've finally found a surname for him too - de Trevit - so that's a relief. I do like to know what my main characters are called somewhere along the line.

Have just listened to the Radio 4 afternoon reading - "The Kitchen Goddess and the Trumans" by Nadia Al Yafai - a fantastic erotic tale about food and relationships - more of that quality please, Radio 4!

Have also just finished reading James Manlow's novel, "Attraction". I have to say I was disappointed as I think he's a great poet. The novel however is rather irritating and very clunky - too many asides about science and both the main characters were extremely unlikeable. The end came as a welcome relief.

Am off to the theatre tonight with Lord H (as husband likes to be known) - so will have to make sure food is ready by the time he comes home. Goodness how domestic I am - not!

Anne Brooke

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