The rest of my day has been spent in totally glorious sunshine with Lord H, searching for birds. We visited Burton Mill Pond and the ever reliable Pulborough Brooks. The only new bird for this year was a female marsh harrier hunting over the fields, which is really luckier than we expect to get during the summer months. We also enjoyed seeing a couple of green sandpipers, a ruff, a young great crested grebe with that wonderfully striped face that young cresteds have, and Lord H saw a kingfisher, but I was just too late, dammit!
Also the amount and variety of butterflies out today were utterly glorious. We managed painted ladies, peacocks, a common blue, gatekeepers and speckled woods, and Lord H saw a tortoiseshell too - though once again, I was just that few seconds too late. Story of my life, eh. Ah well. My one big butterfly ambition (surely everyone has a butterfly ambition?) is to see a swallowtail. They're amazing. Here's one:

Isn't that just fantastic? Happy sigh ...
Meanwhile, I think the jaw situation might have taken a turn for the better, hurrah and put out the bunting. A small turn but a significant one nonetheless. I woke up in excruciating pain at 3.30am this morning, staggered out of the bedroom groaning quietly so as not to wake Lord H and then in the living room remembered (aha!) that I still have the really really strong kick-ass pain killers plus the anti-inflammatories the doctor gave me last year for the pesky frozen shoulder and trapped nerve fortnight. Luckily, they're still in date (till 2011, no less), so I took the pain killers last night, and the anti-inflammatories this morning and at lunchtime. Entirely due to that, I managed to eat breakfast (with a teaspoon, I admit, but hey I did eat something) and when I brushed my teeth I wasn't actually moaning with pain. So double phew and let's keep it up until the jaw is itself again. I even managed the bread which came with my soup at lunchtime by means of squashing it flat and pushing it in - which might not have looked particularly pleasant but I've never gained compliments for my dining etiquette, so why start now?
Also, many thanks to kind online friends who've offered support and sympathy - it's very much appreciated. And a special thank you to LitLove who has suggested a jaw exercise which I am already doing. Well, not whilst typing, but in pauses - thank you!
Tonight, there's a scrummage (is that actually a word?) of comic TV on, but I can't make head or tail of it till I get there. No brain power, you see. I suspect we'll end up watching whatever is on the first channel we turn to.
Today's nice things:
1. Vulpes Libris review
2. Sunshine!
3. Birds
4. Butterflies
5. Pulborough Brooks
6. Less pain in the jaw
7. Jaw exercises & support!
8. TV.
Anne Brooke - Ms Lockjaw has a day in the country ...
Vulpes Libris: putting glass bubbles under the microscope
I do like your meditations.
I was advised to follow some blogs.
I think some are pretty dreadful. So if I follow a blog its cus I think it has quality.
Now, not to be personal, but if you need to diet maybe now is the time if you can't eat properly because of your tooth.
Toothache and earache are the worst. I do sincerely hope you're sorted and feel better soon.
Thanks, Glyn!
And, tee hee, naturally I'm perfect! (Ignores sound of husband laughing ...)
Anne B
Snap! I asked Peter the other day if he'd heard me grinding my teeth in the night as the right side of my face and teeth are sore in the morning and it feels like I've been clenching my jaw really tightly - nothing like as bad as yours sounds though - mine is just a dull ache which passes after about an hour.
Teeth grinding is supposed to be a sign of underlying stress that isn't being vented in the day isn't it? We must be a family of teeth knashers!
On the Comedy front - I loved the extend 'Have I Got News For You' last night with Brian Blessed - we haven't laughed so much for ages. We folowed that up with a classic episode of 'The Royle Family' - the one where nanna dies - which had me laughing and crying in equal measure.
You are very welcome! The thought of that mouthguard was just anathema to me, hence my personal mantra, useful in so many situationa: there has to be another way. I am so relieved to hear it's a bit better!
Maybe we can blame our menfolk for this, Sue!!! They must be responsible for sure! Hope yours gets better soon too.
And wasn't BB brilliant? He needn't have had anyone else on really!
And don't worry, LL - if I do get a mouth guard, I promise not to send you any picture of it. No, really!!
Oh I meant the mouthguard that I was threatened with, rather than the thought of you with one! I'm sure you'd wear it charmingly!
Ooh, I think I'd wear it wildly, LL - I gave up on charm a long time past!!
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