Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Counselling day

Didn't feel like writing my blog yesterday - it was a difficult day, apart from the high points of the UniSWriters' group at lunchtime and Guildford Writers in the evening, the latter of which I chaired due to non-appearance of the usual suspects. People - where were you? We missed you ... Apart from that, I made a mess of something I had to do at work, and felt the fall-out. Funny how one little thing can completely destroy any confidence I might have thought I had - or maybe not so funny after all. The struggle to fit in becomes increasingly complex.

So, to today. A better day, thank the Lord, and people were nice. Which I hadn't expected. Counselling with Zoe was great - maybe it's okay to stay in the puzzled zone for a while, no matter how uncomfortable the feeling. Getting used to not being able to solve things instantly is, I see, going to take some ... well ... getting used to. Thank goodness I'm able to talk about this sort of stuff now and again to Lord H. And Zoe has recommended a book to read which might also help, so have ordered this. We trog onwards. Slowly.

This evening, have received my professional critique on "A Dangerous Man" from the You Write On site ( which was, I think, very generous and also helpful. And have had a few good comments on "The Gifting" from one of the Writewords ( members, which was a very pleasant boost indeed.

As for reading, have given up on the award-winning "26a" as I just didn't care enough. And have finished Jodi Picoult's "Vanishing Acts". Not one of her best, to my mind - the main character was way too perfect and the two subsidiary men's adoration of her frankly ridiculous. And the prison scenes - totally out of place! That said, the tension and page-turning pizzazz of it all kept me hooked and the court scenes were top notch.

Anne Brooke

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