Thursday, May 11, 2006

Meanwhile, back at the writing ...

Ooh, what a day of whizzes and bangs indeed. Up and down all the time! Made two phone calls chasing up people who haven't delivered goods to us yet - the first one being the religious suppliers, Kevin Mayhew ( who were utterly charming as always (it's a joy every time to speak with the honey-voiced man in the candles department ...) and promised to resend.

The second people were ANC in Camberley who were supposed to deliver a pack of "Pink Champagne and Apple Juice" flyers to me from Cards Made Easy ( - but it's obviously a case of Easy Cards and Difficult Couriers. Mind you, I've had trouble with ANC before and, in my opinion, they're crap. Which I wouldn't mind so much if the woman on reception wasn't quite so rude - she managed to accuse me of rejecting the goods (when I hadn't had them), failing to ring them up (when no card was left) and then threatened (yes, that is how it felt to me ...) to send the goods back to Cards Made Easy without bothering to deliver again. It's a good thing I didn't want them urgently! Anyway, we finally worked out that in fact the driver had delivered to the wrong address entirely, which was of course why the stuff had been refused, and had never bothered to ring me (and they had my number) to sort it out. Apparently, they might possibly be delivered tomorrow, but who can tell? And did I get any kind of apology? Did I heck! At least Cards Made Easy tell me they're ditching ANC and going with a courier who can actually deliver and be nice. And if the goods come back to them after all, they'll send them straight on to me again and use someone else to do so. The plot thickens ...

Did another 2000 words of "The Gifting", which was the main thrust of the day. I'm so glad I've finally got round to writing the novel again, as I was starting to think I'd never get down to it. Ooh, and I've been shortlisted for another Writers' News ( poetry competition, and also received two very positive reviews on "A Dangerous Man" and "Thorn in the Flesh" on the You Write On ( site. Lovely to have a boost now and then.

Further news also on "Maloney's Law" - have sent a partial MS and synopsis off to Poisoned Pen Press ( who have requested this. Have let my agent ( know, and he seems happy. Will have to wait and see now. The game continues.

Also collected the proof copy of "Pink Champagne and Apple Juice" from Goldenford ( - it looks great! Jackie has done a fantastic job on the typesetting and Keith's cover is brilliant. I'm incredibly happy with it all. There are a couple of things which will need changing in the next print run (should it come to that), but I can worry about that later. At least, the 100 copies will be available for the launch now, as long as they're delivered okay. Lord preserve us from ANC!

Anne Brooke

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