Thursday, December 21, 2006

Armani and Champagne

Goodness me, but I'm up and down like a goat on a mountain these days - must be my hormones. Or maybe it's just me, eh? Anyway, a much better day today - and thank you to all those good wishes people were kind enough to send my way yesterday. It was very much appreciated.

Up with the milkman this morning (not literally) to go to my optician's appointment at 8.45am. Bloody hell, but what possessed me to agree on such an early time?? Especially as today an icy fog has fallen upon the world and Godalming looks like something out of a Sherlock Holmes film. Thank goodness the receptionist arrived early to let me in. My appointment brought home, above all, the astonishing passing of time - when I first arrived in Surrey and began seeing the Optician thirteen years ago, I thought he was the sexiest thing in Surrey (apart from Lord H, of course) and used to giggle maniacally when he had to gaze into my eyes with that little light. Now, we've probably both gone greyer and the stardust has vanished. Ah well ... he's still a genuinely nice bloke! And, yes, the time has come for new glasses - my right eye is fading gently, even though my left one will probably be seeing perfectly well in the grave, thank you. So I had ten minutes of fun and frolics with the dispensing optician choosing a new pair of glasses - my first since 1996 apparently! My, how out-of-date I am. But the joy comes from realising that the ones I really, really liked were Armani (at last, I get designer style!!!) and in the sales (even better - Lord H won't complain about the price!!). So roll on, New Year, and I'll wow them in the office.

After the sight test, I popped to church to deliver two extra bottles of communion wine to the vestry, in case the post-pub keenies get a little too keen at Midnight Mass on Sunday. You never know ... And then, back home - where I was delighted to receive a glowing review of "Pink Champagne and Apple Juice" from Sue on MySpace ( Thanks hugely, Sue - it's really cheered me today. And (with Sue's permission), I add it below:

"I just knew I was going to love this book even before reading it. Why? I’ve met Anne, the writer of this book through MySpace and she writes some really funny articles in her blog section. When I saw that she had just brought out this book, I knew I had to get a copy and I wasn’t disappointed. My measure of a good read is how fast I get through it. By that, if I’ve read it within a few days, it was because I couldn’t put it down. Well, I’d read this book cover to cover in two days! So why was it so good? It has a brilliant mixture of humour, characters and a very different storyline. I was able to visualise all the characters, even down to how the buildings would look. So I’d better not be disappointed when they make it into a film!!
The storyline is about Angie who flees from her very loving home to make her mark in the world. She looks up her Uncle John who she hasn’t seen for many years and turns up unannounced. Maybe Angie should have had some hints that all would not be as it seems, when she asks for directions and is met with ‘you want where?’. Her first meeting with Uncle John is a memorable one and the story of why Uncle John has not been around for years unfolds with interesting reasons. Mixed in with this are the people who work for Uncle John and the entangled love interests. To find out why you’ll just have to read the book. If you want a taster then you can read the first chapter by clicking here. You’ll be hooked." (Courtesy of Sue's weblog -

Thanks, Sue. Again. And it inspired me to beaver away on "The Gifting" today, and I have added another 1000 words. Phew! Quite pleased with the way it went too. Also inspired by Sue, I drummed up the courage to ring Flame Books ( again - this time I tried Michael rather than Sean, and managed to get a more comprehensive explanation as to what on earth is going on. Apparently, they've had to change printers (no reason given, and I was too scared to ask) and hope that my inspection copies will be with me in the New Year - so it looks like they're not dumping me - yet. So I might not be forming my Flame Pit of Despair (courtesy of Jonathan - another confused Flame would-be author - I'm right with you, Jonathan, and thanks for your note!) Support Group, at least for a while. We'll see.

Ooh, and I've just finished Laurie Graham's "The Future Homemakers of America". This was much like a packet of plain chocolate digestives - difficult to get into, a marvel in the middle, but a disappointing crumbly finish. I'll definitely be looking out for her again though - the middle was good!

Today's nice things:

1. Ordering Armani glasses (go, girl, go!)
2. Sue's lovely review
3. Speaking to Michael of Flame - at last!

Anne Brooke


Irene Black said...

Lovely review, Anne - and well deserved.

I xxx

Jackie Luben said...

Yes, great, Anne, and good to know you've had a bit of a lift.


Anne Brooke said...

Thanks, Irene & Jackie - much appreciated.
