Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day out with the birds

Spent a lovely day out at the London Wetland Centre in Barnes today - part of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Not quite as natural as the RSPB centre at Pulborough Brooks - as some of it was rather too "organised" in terms of layout for us - but still very nice. And worth a visit if you're ever that way. Heck of a lot of ruddy coot though. I think they're the pigeons of the water world. Anyway, we saw ring-necked parakeets (which are now breeding in southern Britain and are a glorious shade of green), sedge warblers, grey herons, what we think was a siskin, and what I'm fairly convinced (though I admit it's unusual) was a nightingale. And I do have to say that the Barnes centre has fantastic loos and plenty of them too. Plus handtowels instead of those appallingly uncivilised hand-drying machines (which must have been invented by a man, I'm sure ...), so I'd say that, although we won't join as members, we will go again. Just not as often as to Pulborough Brooks.

Back in the shires, and as of yesterday, the books I sent into Writewords in March(!) have now finally been offered on site for review, after a couple of chases from me - ie A Dangerous Man and A Stranger's Table. But, oh the utter humiliation - nobody has "bitten" yet, so I am reduced to sending round a begging email. Well, as near as. Sigh! I am obviously not Mrs Popular on site at the moment (so no change there then!) - honestly, it's just like being back at primary school (oh God, please no!!!) and being last to be picked for the netball team ... Let's hope some kind writer takes pity on me soon, eh!

Tonight, Lord H and I are having a Chinese and beer. Hurrah! Still no champers, I'm afraid, as still no sign of any Maloney's Law contract yet. Never say a writer's life is one of glamour and parties - more like waiting and hoping, m'dears.

Today's nice things:

1. A day out with the birds
2. Chinese food
3. Beer.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website
Pink Champagne and Apple Juice
Goldenford Publishers


Lover of Books, Films and Good Coffee Shops Everywhere! said...

We have been to the Wildlife and Wetlands Trust Centres in Slimbridge, Arundel and one in Denise's neck of the woods I think. Although there is masses to see, I do agree that they are not as 'wild' as the RSPB places. You get the feeling that most of the birds are tame and actually live there all the time (and why wouldn't they with all the food visitors feed them). We did join for a bit but as they only have about 8 sights across the country we just couldn't get our monies worth. You two really have got the 'birding bug' big time :-)

Anne Brooke said...

Our thoughts exactly, Sue!

