Monday, March 24, 2008

Hunks and fruit

There's a title to conjure with indeed. And so very un-Easterlike too. Lord H & I had quite a jolly day yesterday - the Easter service at St Mary's was fine, and I fell in love with the perfume of the woman behind me and quizzed her about it during the Peace. As you do. Apparently it's called "Angel", appropriately enough. Church - such a useful place to stare at (and sniff at) other women and see if they have anything that might suit you. I was also rather taken with the mauve jumper of one of the women taking communion, but appreciated that leaping up and yelling excuse me, where did you get that? whilst she was communing with the Lord probably wasn't the best etiquette. Shame I missed her afterwards though ...

Due to the inclemency of Sunday's weather (good God, snow - whatever next?!?), we opted for staying in. A wise move. I made the most of the opportunity by watching my video of "Fifth Element". Glorious ham really, but it grew on me and had some very funny lines. Plus Bruce Willis showing his torso - what could be nicer? There's something incredibly sexy about La Willis, even though I don't usually go for that type of man. Too many muscles, my dear Mozart. I prefer 'em willowy and lean.

I also had a marvellous time lapping up the last of "Lark Rise to Candleford". Utterly wonderful and I swear Julia Sawalha has never been better. And such huge emotional turning points and moments of high drama were happening (I have absolutely no idea why everyone says nothing happens in LR to C - my dears, everything happens!!! It just doesn't come with noise, car chases or dead bodies - well, not many anyway - which may be why people are being fooled? Anyway, it's crammed with incident, so sod the critics). Please, please, please give us a second series. Soon.

We also meandered our way through "The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency". Ah, poor Minghella - what a waste. Anyway it was perfectly charming, and I seriously loved the secretary (there's a woman who can kick ass) - but it was really a tad too long. You could have done it all in an hour. I hope they bear that in mind when the series hits our screens next year. Though I suspect I may not watch more than one or two - I only read two of the books, and by then I'd got the hang of it and wasn't really interested in reading another. Hush my mouth, eh.

Which brings me to today. Lord H and I have wandered around the River Wey in various parts and sneaked up on some birds in the rain - including dunnocks, tufted ducks, woodpeckers of both ilks, a plethora of tits and a warbler-sized bird with a black head and a white collar that we couldn't identify at all. Dammit. If anyone has any ideas, please don't be shy!

Back home, I've been working away on my short story, "How to eat fruit", and it's now finished, hurrah. Or at least draft one is anyway. It seems more literary than my usual fare, so I'll let it fester for a while before I look at it again. I do feel pleased I've actually written a short story though - it's been a while. Still, best get back to seeing what the hell is going on with The Bones of Summer before Craig - and I - lose the will to live entirely.

Tonight, I'm planning on watching "The Fixer" - the guy who plays the main role is so wonderfully dour. Great stuff.

Today's (well, and yesterday's) nice things:

1. Bruce Willis
2. Birds
3. Writing
4. TV.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website
Goldenford Publishers


Jilly said...

Anne - I love the No 1 Lady's detective agency series and have read all of them. But I do understand why people only read one or two. I didn't see the programme last night - I completely forgot. I agree about the secretary - I love her!

Anne Brooke said...

Oh nooo - sorry you missed it!! They're bound to repeat it, surely? Especially as the series isn't due till 2009!



Anonymous said...

Your mystery bird might be a male reed bunting - got one visiting our garden. Sparrow sized, pale grey breast, white collar and black head.

Anne Brooke said...

Thank you, Easygardener - that sounds very much like it! Many thanks indeed!



Marla D said...

Ah..beaten too it..I'd have gone for a reed bunting too..had to look it up for confirmation's been a while since I've had a good twitch. I seem to be limited to the Peregrines at Symond's Yat..which always feels like cheating..the amazing Red Kites just over the border..and the awesome Goshawks here in the forest during breeding season x
ps..the word verification below just made me smile..'aamumls' - according to my soon to be 3yr old son, that's what we're going to see at the safari park on his birthday :) x

Anne Brooke said...

Thanks, Marla! And lucky you to be so near the red kites - we saw them recently and they're wonderful!!

Enjoy that safari park ...



Nik Perring said...

Was it not a stonechat?

Anne Brooke said...

Ooh, I'm not sure, Nik - it didn't look quite right for a stonechat - there was just something different about it! Or maybe it was in disguise??!



Nik Perring said...

Bugger! I'd missed the reed bunting suggestions. Never seen one of them though - yet! Sounds much more probable than a SC.

Anne Brooke said...

Well, I can't blame you! They're speedy little devils, those buntings - blink and you'd miss 'em!
