Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Writers and Meetings City

Carried on typing up yesterday’s minutes this morning and attempting to sort out the teething troubles on my new computer, ie no printing facilities, emails that go through copious spellchecks before being sent and my missing screensaves. After all, how am I supposed to get through the day without seeing the front covers of all my books drifting before my eyes??... I can’t survive without at least some ego massage, you know.

Anyway, this lunchtime, I have had the University Writers Group – very enjoyable as always. I think it’s best if I take my calming pills beforehand though, not being a natural leader. And I have stolen an idea from the adorable Nik Perring for the homework, so thanks for that, Nik!

This afternoon, I have minuted the Nursery Management Group, even though most people didn’t seem to be there. Which means we’ve had a heck of a lot of biscuits to eat up. Ah it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it. I brought back a secret supply of them for the office and have already demolished the chocolate chip cookie option. Mmm …

And tonight, to crown my Meetings Extravaganza Day, I will be minuting the Goldenford meeting. Upcoming Goldenford things to look forward to: the event in Woking Library on 28 May, the talk in Freiburg in Germany on 12 June and our stall at the Writers Conference at the end of June. Ye gods, it’s all go over the summer! It’s astonishing we have time to write books at all.

Ooh, and I’m interested to see that, following the agent’s submission of The Gifting to the Powers That Be yesterday, Penguin in the States have been looking at my website. In shock and amazement, no doubt. However, the balance of the writing universe requires that for one vaguely hopeful thing offered, another crueller one is given. And so I am not entirely surprised to see that the latest critique of Thorn in the Flesh on the as yet unenterable Authonomy site seriously doesn't like it. Hey ho. Mind you, I'm always rather chuffed to be called "muddled, fragmented and confusing". Dahlings, it's so me!

Today’s nice things:

1. University Writers Group
2. Goldenford
3. Putting the words “Penguin” and “looking at my website” in the same sentence – heck, I’m all for (very) short-lived bursts of hope and glory!

Anne Brooke
Anne's website
Goldenford Publishers


Jilly said...

I can just see your books in Penguin editions Anne. I didn't think 'Theorn in the Flesh' muddled at all - what are they talking about? I mean I read a good half of it on bus journeys and still didn't get confused . . .

Nik Perring said...

Wow! Best of luck with the agent's subs. Fingers crossed!

Hope the uni bods like their homework...


Anne Brooke said...

Tee hee, thanks, Jilly! Though perhaps bus journeys clear the head?!?

And thanks also, Nik - the uni writers looked a bit startled but I'm sure they'll rise to the occasion.

