Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lunch at Wisley and Goldenford books

Goodness, how "Surrey" I sound today - in spite of having what seems like pins and needles lodged inside my nose and throat. I have lunched at Wisley with Jane H, Ang, Michelle and assorted children (well, there were two of them, so that's an assortment to me). This is what Ladies Who Lunch do here in the Shires when we're avoiding Foot & Mouth and the dreaded Bluetongue - we all go to Wisley and wander around the gardens and admire the new Greenhouse, and all very relaxing it was too. And I must say how brave the Gals were in actually walking along the same paths as me when I was wrapped up in a fleece, scarf, fingerless gloves and a woolly hat. Never say that I am not the epitome of Surrey style. (Brief pause here to check "epitome", but yes it is right ...). Not to mention the snorting. Did I mention the snorting? However, Jane H has very sweetly bought me a Sudafed breatheasy plug which will help me sleep at night apparently - thank you, Jane! I never even knew such things existed, but then again I don't get out very much. I don't want the Police knowing where I am ...

I have also typed up the Goldenford minutes from last night, and what a good meeting that was. Thanks to the stalwart work and bravery of Irene and Jackie, we are actually beginning to persuade more local bookshops to take Goldenford books. Hurrah! Now all we have to do is get them to sell some and we'll be laughing. And we're also getting into last-minute planning for the launch of Sold to the Lady with the Lime-Green Laptop this coming Sunday, so we're hoping that will do well for us for Christmas. Ideal and very amusing stocking-filler/loo book, people, and a light-hearted look at essential eBay sales - so buy early, buy often!

And talking of books, I've just given up on Ian Rankin's Fleshmarket Close. I have to admit that I don't think I've read a Rankin before, or not for a while anyway and certainly not that I can remember, though I know he produces a book every three minutes, so it's hard to be sure ... And, yes, I also know he's a bestseller (horror! that word again - what does it all mean??) but the book seemed to be stuffed with huge amounts of conversation to not much effect. And I wasn't very taken by the characters either. Sorry. So I gave up. Maybe it's one of those where if you like Rebus, then you may as well read it - but don't bother if you don't. Ho hum. Never mind, it will still make Rankin a nice little packet for his Christmas gift-buying - a fact which would seriously piss me off if I had the energy today for Writers' Envy, but on the plus side I suppose that at least it means you don't have to be good to be sold. Hope for us all then ...!

Tonight, I'm going to be a sofa slut in front of the TV and watch the double bill (joy!) of "Heroes". Must remember to video "Will & Grace" as well - and that's a double bill too. Happiness indeed!

Today's nice things:

1. Wisley with the Gals
2. Planning the Goldenford book launch
3. TV.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website

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