Friday, January 11, 2008

Maloney done and a brief search

Have managed to finish the first pass through the edits for Maloney's Law and sent it off to PD Publishing for their comments. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience too. It's also been hugely useful to go through it now, particularly bearing in mind its close relationship to The Bones of Summer. Which I probably won't be able to do any work on till at least February at this editing rate, but at least the memory of it is there! I hope.

I also popped into Godalming this morning to get some shopping done, and attempted to buy a briefcase - my old one has broken now and where else do I store my travelling medicine chest, eh? Actually I always find it amusing that whenever I start a new job, everyone laughs at how many pills and potions I carry around with me - but the moment they're sick, guess who they come to ... They're grateful then for sure! Anyway, my search for a briefcase was thwarted as the bag shop wasn't open at the time they said they'd be open. I waited around for ten minutes but nobody turned up, and I was itching to get back to my editing so I buggered off. Mind you, being the Bitch Queen of 2008 (in the running anyway), I wrote a short but pointed note to them and slipped it through the door. By the time I got home, a very nice young man had already left a message for me, apologising profusely and offering me 10% off if I came back and bought something. Naturally, I am now wracked with female guilt (which doesn't help my B.Q. entry) and will probably be too embarrassed to go back next week. Bloody hell though, I do need a briefcase so perhaps I'll go and not admit to being me? After all, I should be used to that by now.

I've also visited my friend who was at hospital and who's now at home (thank goodness!) with Ruth from work. She's much better now, though it will probably take a couple of months or so before she can do any serious getting out & about - and we had a great time. Talked for ages. Hell, there's a surprise then.

Tonight, I've got the cleaning to do. Roll on the self-cleaning house is what I say. I wish. And I'm hoping to take up the editing of Jay Margrave's Luther's Ambassadors for Goldenford from where I left off to deal with Maloney. I am indeed the Editing Queen once more.

Today's nice things:

1. Finishing the initial edits for Maloney's Law
2. Visiting friends
3. Goldenford editing.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website
Goldenford Publishers


Jackie Luben said...

Go back. Be nice (even if it ruins your QB reputation) and accept the 10%. They want the sale and so do you.

Anne Brooke said...

All right, Jackie ... You know, sometimes, you sound just like my ex-teacher at school ... She kept telling me to be nice too!



Jackie Luben said...

Oh dear, what could be worse, Anne? I'll turn over a new leaf. I'll remind myself every morning to compete for the Queen Bitch title.

Anne Brooke said...

No, Jackie, no!!! She was a really nice teacher - I really liked her!!! You can't compete for the QB title though - you're far too lovely.

