Saturday, February 24, 2007

Golf and the Great Clean

A bit of a lie-in this morning, followed by a major panic as I realised that we really had to clean the flat before our golf session & lunch with Marian & Siegi. No matter how many hours/days you leave for the cleaning trauma, there is never enough time. And I do sooo hate cleaning - it makes me long for the days of servants (though they'd probably be shocked by the sort of stuff we keep around the place, to be honest). Anyway, we managed to do it in time, thank God.

And in the middle of it all, I received another request for "A Stranger's Table" - which is now on Amazon and can be found here:

... all you ever need to know about wasps, art and lesbianism, all in one book. Marvellous. The perfect gift for Lent indeed.

So, with today's request, I have sold the grand total of five poetry books. Ah well. Not quite Poet Laureate standards, one fears, but heck it's a tricky market. Still, the good news is that Ver Poets (Gawd bless 'em) have asked to review a copy so I have sent one to them. And my old poetry tutor (who bought today's copy) has suggested I send it to the TLS' review pages as well - which just goes to show there's nothing like optimism. I do fear that will be a totally wasted copy, but he's very insistent ...

So, golf at lunchtime with Marian and Siegi - we couldn't play on our usual course though (Charterhouse, if you're asking, dahlings - Lord H is a member, but only because the downstairs neighbour is a green-keeper, so don't get too excited ...) as they were having a competition, so we went to the local one instead. Which was surprisingly empty, probably due to the amount of sport on today. Nevertheless, we were still crap - the only one playing anything remotely like the noble game of golf today was Lord H. However, we did have a laugh. Mainly at how many times I could get in the mud and shower myself with the stuff when I attempted a swing.

Post-lunch, I have put the flat back to how it should be, so it feels more like our own now - is it just me, or does people coming round feel like invasion to others too? No? Ah well, it is just me then ... Sigh.

Tonight, I'm hoping to slump like a beached whale in front of the tv and catch up on (a) Primeval, and (b) my video of Life on Mars. And I have done a few sentences to "The Gifting" - but nothing serious like actually turning the pages over to write more. Too tired for anything complicated really.

Today's nice things:

1. Selling a copy of "A Stranger's Table" - which has boosted my sales by one-fifth, hurrah!
2. Golf
3. Slumping and tv.

Anne Brooke


Anonymous said...

Well Anne you need to clean your windows in the middle of the night like I do! :-)

I don't know whether I'd use the word intrusion but I find I keep making excuses for things being out of place. In reality, who cares. If the people are good friends they shouldn't mind should they?

It's that damn cleaning hormone in us women. It really ticks me off when it rears it's ugly head and now we've got Spring round the corner which can only mean one thing - spring cleaning nooooooo!

Good to hear about your book selling though, well done.

Sue xx

Anne Brooke said...

Don't spring-clean, Sue - I never spring-clean!! I'm just a real slut ...



Julia Buckley said...

How lovely. I like a bit of golf too. Despite being rubbish at it. Been trying to get better for years, I've had lessons and everything and practiced loads, I'm just not a natural. Determined to get a proper handicap sorted this summer though. Glad you had a good day.

Anne Brooke said...

Ooh, a handicap, Julia - good for you! I've never been that dedicated - I just pay & play!

