Monday, April 05, 2010

Hit Lists, hot tips and haikus

Writing News:

I'm happy to say that The Hit List has received a very thorough 4-star review at Goodreads and I'm immensely pleased with that. Thanks, Kassa.

At the same time, Give and Take gained an "Excellent" grade at The Well-Read Book Blog so that's been a nice boost too. I was also thrilled to see that it's reached the dizzy heights of Number 4 in the Amber Allure March bestsellers list, well gosh, so thank you to everyone who's bought it, and I hope you've enjoyed the read.

Keeping to the subject of gay fiction, I've now chosen my Queer Magazine Hot Gay Fiction Tip for April, and you can read all about it at Queer Magazine Online. A great read and particularly enjoyable if you have a penchant for the military!

Turning to matters rather more spiritual, Vulpes Libris has now published my review of Nicholas Buxton's Tantalus and the Pelican which is an excellent book on monastic spirituality written by a fascinating man. Well worth a look indeed.

And here, rather later than usual due to Easter, is last week's haiku:

The grey dog trots by,
mouth holding two red mittens
for warming the paws.

Life news:

Easter's been fun. We spent the day with Mother on Good Friday - a penance for all involved indeed! - and I've been rather startled to see that Mother and I bought ourselves the same presents. Hmmm, must be something in the genes. If only we'd known, we could have saved all that wrapping paper, dammit. Ah well. We shall both be smelling of raspberry body cream in the future then.

On Saturday, Lord H and I spent a lovely day at Pulborough Brooks, though we managed to avoid the child influx, thank the Lord. Birds spotted included stock doves and a little gull (both lifetime firsts), plus skylarks and swallows. Swallows!! Heck, they're early. And we also spent some time gazing at an adder sleeping on the grass, which was fabulous. You don't see adders very often. Amazing.

Anne Brooke - feeling chocolatey ...
The Prayer Seeker's Journal - in quiet mood


Vicki said...

Good news galore. Fabulous. You've earned it.

Love the haiku, but that's a given. :)

Vicki xx

Megan said...

Brilliant haiku, Anne.
And I'm very jealous of your adder

Anne Brooke said...

Thanks, Vicki! Hope you've had a fabulous Easter :)) Axxx

Anne Brooke said...

Tee hee, thanks, Megan! We probably won't see another one for another 10 years though :)) Axxx