Sunday, November 04, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

Book News

Well, it's National Novel Writing Month in November and for the first time ever, I'm having a go. I'm supposed to produce 50,000 words by 30 November, which is 1,667 per day. So far I've got about 12,000 words, but I'm storing some up as I won't be able to do that many next week. The novel I'm aiming for is a fictionalised account of my early childhood and is called The Apple Picker's Daughter. If you'd like to follow the ups and downs of my efforts or be my writing buddy if you're also taking part, my NaNoWriMo profile is here.

I'm pleased to say I've sold 80 copies of biblical short story Dancing with Lions in October, which is astonishing really. So far this welcome enthusiasm hasn't rubbed off on my self-published biblical fiction collection The Betrayal of Birds, but I'm hoping it will at some point as, to be honest, the cash would be welcome!

Meanwhile, gay short story Tommy's Blind Date gained a 4-star review at Amazon US, for which I was grateful. And my review of Anna Cheska's Drop Dead Gorgeous has recently been published at Vulpes Libris.

Life News:

Haven't been so well this week, but it's just been a cold which is still hanging on - so more annoying than totally debilitating, hurrah. I attended the church contemplative prayer course on Wednesday evening and that was actually pretty helpful - it's carrying on from the recent day course we had, and hopefully we'll be able to carry on for longer after the "official" six-week course is over. Will have to wait and see.

It's also been a week of very enjoyable social outings, which is most unlike us (have we been switched?)... We thoroughly enjoyed the ballet of Beauty and the Beast on Thursday at Woking, and had a much better time than expected at the Elstead production of Beyond A Joke. Which is a rather nifty little play really. I've also managed a haircut (goodness, so soon after the last one too), and K and I had a very enjoyable coffee & chat on Saturday morning with L&J, and also with R&G - so great to catch up all round.

This afternoon, we've planted the rest of the tulips and daffodils for spring, as well as sorting out the spare wallflowers and keeping the dahlias warm. Mostly I think the garden is "put to bed" now, so roll on spring for lots of lovely colour.

Anne Brooke
The Gathandrian Fantasy Trilogy
Gay Reads UK
Biblical Fiction UK

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