Saturday, February 14, 2009

Illness, angels and a new short story site

Still sick, my dears, dammit - not a great way to spend Valentine's Day really - though between Lord H and myself, we have gathered together a satisfying collection of books, chocolates, flowers and cards, so we are doing our bit to support the great saint (who apparently is buried in Birmingham, according to the Church Times, and they're never wrong - so there's still time to rush there and pay your respects ...).

And I'm smiling as one of my outstanding publishers has requested the full manuscript for The Bones of Summer, so I've formatted that in the way they specify and sent that off to them last night. Well, gosh - something that isn't a rejection (yet) is always good news. It would be so lovely if I could get the second (and final) part of Paul & Craig's story out into the public domain. I think it deserves an airing and, if I got lucky, it would be my first ever sequel - so a new string to the bow for me.

For most of today (which we had planned to spend worshipping at the Chocolate Festival in Polesdon Lacey, but sadly that's off the menu) I've stared at the television (Friends was fun this morning - how I do love Chandler and Monica; they're so made for each other), done some sudokus and slept. Well, getting up and getting dressed is just sooo exhausting, you know.

I've also uploaded my supernatural short story, Miss Dobson's Angel, to the new Shortbread Short Stories site and you can read it here. You may have to join up but it's free and you get such stalwarts as Alexander McCall Smith strutting his literary wares there, so it has class. Although having me on it as well is probably moving from the sublime to the ridiculous, but hey ho.

Ooh, and I've eaten a small lunch of some sushi, so am just about keeping body and soul together (possibly unlike poor Miss Dobson ...). Plus in a fit of confidence, I've added champagne to the fridge in case I feel up to alcohol tonight. Bloody hell, I'd better do - no Essex Girl has ever refused alcohol except under duress, so I don't want to buck the trend now.

So, whatever you're doing, have a good Valentine's Day and don't forget the most important person to love is yourself. Hell, where did that come from???!! Somebody pass me the bucket - my personality has obviously been swopped ...

Today's nice things:

1. Presents
2. A request for the full MS of Bones
3. TV
4. Sudokus
5. A new short story being available
6. Champagne (whatever my state of health).

Anne Brooke
Anne's Website - has a few tales to tell of its own ...


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne, Happy Valentines day to you and Lord H. I've taken some time out from doing rewrites to make a dent in my quota of the chocolate feast as well as to read your blog. Congratulations on your short story and manuscript submission.

Take care and enjoy your weekend! Okay, now I've got to get back to work. I want this in the can by the end of the weekend and perhaps published by the finish of this coming week.

Anne Brooke said...

Thanks, Val! Have a great w/e and good luck with those rewrites.



Jilly said...

Good news about The Bones of Summer Anne - I'll keep my fingers crossed

Anne Brooke said...

Thanks, Jilly! Your crossed fingers must have worked, as they've taken it!! You obviously have the magic touch ...



sexy said...
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