Sunday, December 17, 2006

Church and golf

An action-packed programme today. First off, we were very late back from Liz & John's last night (after a very enjoyable evening, I have to say - so thank you, Liz) and only got to bed at about 1.45am. I'd planned to get up at about 7am in order to be awake and functioning in time for church, but the smoke alarm decided its battery was dead at 6am and started beeping for attention. Naturally, I sent Lord H to sort it out, but neither of us managed to get back to sleep afterwards, so we just got up.

I was dreading church, to be honest, but in the event it wasn't too bad - at least Lord H wasn't performing any duties and could actually sit with me this week. Mind you, we seem to have decided to ignore any hint of Advent or Christmas by having the hymns we'd normally have on an ordinary Sunday. Strange, but it suits me, sir. There'd also been many a rumour beforehand that our new priest, Paul Jenkins, was going to pay us a surprise visit to check us all out before he's installed in January - and indeed he did. However, I don't think he had much idea about travelling incognito as he arrived in full black gown with a red trim, and did more crossing and genuflecting than I've seen the Pope do at Easter. Suspect he might be high then (in church terms) - or perhaps just the Pope's love child? Now that wouldn't be entirely unexpected ... And I even managed to go up to Communion (which in itself managed to be okay for a moment or two, thank the Lord) and mumble my way through some of the hymns. So it might not be all doom and gloom on the holy front. You never know. Mind you, I left sharpish to avoid the chat.

We then played golf with Marian & Siegi at lunchtime. A game of two halves on the whole (as it were!) - we were crap at the start (except for my startingly brilliant putt on the first hole which nailed it for a 5 - hurrah), but warmed up after the first few holes. Our turn to do lunch today - Lord H did a magnificent slow-cooked game casserole, but unfortunately Marian doesn't like game. Ah well. The best laid plans ... etc, etc. The pudding went down well though.

Tonight I am planning some serious chilling and brainless TV viewing - with no more talking to anyone till tomorrow (apart from Lord H of course). I think we both deserve it.

This week's haiku (which came suddenly to me on my twilight walk to the station earlier this week) is:

Moonlight on water.
The bridge beckons me onward.
Step into the dark.

Today's nice things:

1. Laughing at the bizarre antics of our priest-to-be
2. Golf
3. A quiet evening.

Anne Brooke

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