Sunday, July 28, 2013

Prayer and the pesky church

Life News:

So, this is the week we find out that Church of England money helped pay for online lender Wonga. Hmmm, good to know that the C of E is more than happy to lead people into greater debt, but not happy about marrying two people who want to make a commitment to each other but happen to be of the same gender. Just saying. Hey ho.

As a result, though I did go to church today, I didn't donate anything at all to the collection for the first time I can remember. I did think seriously about taking money out of the collection plate when it came round instead, if only to help prevent the exploitation of vulnerable people, but thought that would perhaps be a tad too much for the small girl handing round the plate to cope with. Pesky church, eh. Then again, the Church of England does after all have a c£5.2 billion investment portfolio, so perhaps we should all be taking money out of the plate on a more regular basis. Again, just saying ...

On a happier note, the buddleia in the garden is now out in all its glory, and the garden is filled with butterflies of all descriptions. Bliss. And this week's cakes are Maple Syrup and Pecan Cupcakes and very tasty they are too.

Book News:

Much to my astonishment, Christian novella The Prayer Seeker has been downloaded for free more than one thousand times at Amazon UK and Amazon US - so free books are obviously the way forward, at least if I want to be read.

Not only that but I've had a couple of 5-star reviews at Amazon which called the book "a damned good read" and also said: "One word sums up the writing style and that is luminous ... if you are a seeker of something more in life, this novella will resonate with your spirit."

Many thanks to both reviewers for that.

Meanwhile, epic fantasy Hallsfoot's Battle rose briefly to No 71 in the Amazon US fantasy charts, and gay thriller A Dangerous Man gained a 4-star review on Goodreads which included the following:

"If I go by the "traditional" ratings it would be a one star, because, no, I didn't like it. But the problem was it was brilliant. Very well written, with characters that grabbed hold of me and made me feel."

Gosh, thank you, Shaz! That's the kind of problem I do like to feel I've achieved in a book, that's for sure ...

Finally, all my Amber Allure gay fiction currently has a 25% discount, so don't miss out! Have a great Sunday.

Anne Brooke
Free Fiction UK
Gay Reads UK
Biblical Fiction UK
The Gathandrian Trilogy


Urdu Novels said...

Amazing post and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

Anne Brooke said...

Many thanks!