Book News:
Much to my astonishment, The Hit List made it up to No 5 in the Amazon UK Kindle store this week, thought it's plummeted down now. But so nice to be on those dizzy heights for a while. Speaking of books, you can now find a good clutch of my ebooks at 1PlaceForRomance Ebooks, including A Dangerous Man, so happy browsing.
You can also purchase my literary lesbian short story, The Girl in the Painting at a 20% discount for today only at Rainbow Ebooks, so don't miss out!
I've also been utterly thrilled at the level of the last quarter's royalties from Amber Allure Press which are the highest I've ever had, hurrah! I must obviously focus on writing more gay erotic stories, as those are the ones readers seem to enjoy most. My goodness, am I developing a commercial focus at last?? K will be pleased!...
This week's meditation:
Meditation 451
Iron and water
rarely blend
except where prophets
make do and mend.
The Sunday haiku:
Bright leaves turn golden
and darkest red, embracing
summer's soft farewell.
Life News:
I'm feeling a little better today, thank the Lord. Last week's depression was really nasty and took me into a flat spin, frankly. So thank goodness for a double dose of St John's Wort and also thank goodness for the fact that K and I had dinner with friends (hello, Robin & Liz and assorted partners!) on Friday night, which was great and really put some perspective onto all the angst. Sometimes you do just have to get out and chat to people, you know.
Yesterday, we sorted out our mortgage application ready for finding (hopefully) somewhere else to buy and being able to (please God ...), and will post all that off tomorrow. We also saw a couple of bungalows in Normandy, one of which was really nice, and the other not so, but it was in a road full of bungalows and silence, and is it just me or is that slightly creepy? If we move there, do we have to start wearing patterned jumpers? Who can tell ...
On the other side of the equation, we nearly had a viewing of the flat last week apparently, but at the last minute our would-be viewer changed her mind and put an offer on something else dammit. Deep sigh. If we don't get any further bites this week, then we will have to drop the price, I think. We'll see how it's going or even if it's going by mid week.
Today, I've enjoyed the bliss of my extra hour (hurrah!) and the extra bliss that the neighbour opposite put a huge sack of Bramley apple windfalls outside her drive with a big notice for people to take them. Naturally we did and have enjoyed apple crumble and custard for lunch, mmm ... Must remember to thank her for them when I next see her.
Anne Brooke
I'm glad you're feeling better, and the past weekend has been good. Not sure about you moving into a road of bungalows and silence - it's spooky, but if you do, it's all round to yours next summer for strawberries and cream for a summer party!
Great news on the royalties, pleased for you. See - it's catching on - you being a super writer! We knew it before of course, but now it seems more and more people are!
Thanks, Jason! I'd best grow some strawberries then, tee hee!! Hope you're having a fabulous week! :))
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